Let's Start Talking Impeachment:
From January 28, 2003, the day the President stamped his approval on the prior and ongoing perjuries and criminal actions of his administration, I have always expressed in my various writings that there is a strong case; even more, a dire need for our representative government to pursue impeachment of the President and criminal charges for all who have deliberately perjured themselves before Congress and the American people to serve the agenda of the President, Vice President and their collective benefactors.
If it were possible to remove all of the murk and purposeful watering down from this horrible injustice perpetrated on the United States, we would see clearly the criminal nature of our own President’s agenda for our nation.
Thankfully, as the events surrounding the President’s ill deserved vacation unfold on his doorstep, our weakened voices are getting louder and more of us who have been bellowing out our demand for justice are getting notice.
Indeed, it is a great sigh of relief to witness the world taking notice of the message of the opposition; however, I feel that the message is once again falling victim to a vast intent to subvert its consequence.
This policy goes beyond the usual suspects. Frankly, Mr. Mehlman, Mr. Ailes, and the rest are finding themselves ever more frustrated in their lack of success in exploiting the ignorance of their faithful audiences. The real problem is with the outlets of at least slightly more integrity. For example, CNN is airing a special report on Sunday entitled Dead Wrong: Inside Intelligence Failures, which, on its surface, seems to advertise the unseen program’s intent to avoid any question of criminality from the Administration. Note that I have not yet seen the program; but I am inclined to conclude this way in light of the way the program has been advertised.
A better example was shown in today’s CNN interview with Anthony Shafer, a Navy supervisor for the Able Danger operation. In the interview, Soledad O’Brien seemed more interested in setting a tone that questioned the credibility of Shafer than she did unraveling the details of Shafer’s claims.
It seems there is methodology in the presentation of these issues by the more credible news organizations as well as the ones who have jumped off of the credibility wagon long ago. It is as if the question of criminal activity is being purposely left off of the table. “For what reason,” I am afraid, would be the subject of another essay that I haven’t the enormous time or strength that it would take to compose.
In spite of what the “big boys” are thinking and doing, I am firm in my belief that our time of merely complaining is at last coming to a close. I believe that while we must still express our dissent, we must not squander our growing capabilities. We are now on the verge of having the collective power to seek a tangible sense of justice; but we must act swiftly.
I implore all of you; all of you who have written about this, all of you who have spoken openly about this, and all of you who have the ear of those who can reach the broader mass of Americans, to begin replacing your grievances with tangible demands.
We must express our outrage, yes; but we must begin sending a clear message that we demand justice for these crimes.
The President and his constituency have at the very least perjured themselves before every single institution in our government. Upon their illegitimate victories, the President and his administration have broken multitudes of domestic and international laws to perpetuate their various activities.
The proof is as substantial as it is glaring, and it is staring our idle government right in its face. It is time that we use every ounce of our growing power to seek justice, to seek truthful answers to our inquiries, and to face the realities that are a direct result of the crimes and misdemeanors committed by the President. We can only then realize the gravity of the consequences and work together as a nation to repair the damage.