Time To Get A Few Things Off My ChestBy: Clyde
Published: August 18, 2005
Once again the right wing has sent out their attack dogs to prey upon a grieving mother whose only crime is that she does not accept the bullshit claim that her son died for a noble cause and that she now wants answers from Chimpboy. It really pisses me off when someone like the Loofa Lothario Bill O'Reilly has the nerve to suggest that somehow Cindy Sheehan is a traitor just because she does not buy the argument that her only son died for a noble cause. This he-man wannabe did not have the balls enough to serve in the military but if he did do you think his tune would change if it were his mother that was being trashed every night? Probably not because this piece of shit with the falafel fetish is more loyal to the Republican Party than to this country and therefore everything is morally justified if it advances the neo-con agenda.
Then there is the Asian trollop Michelle Malkin who has developed the ability to speak with the dead and make absurd conclusions that Casey Sheehan is angry with his mother because of her stance upon the war. How dare this Ann Coulter sound-alike even try to put her opinion in the mouth of a soldier who has paid the ultimate price! How dare she trash a woman whose life will forever be in want of the child she brought into this world and will now only be able to reflect upon the memory of the boy she raised? It is tragic that this mind numbingly stupid little bitch is allowed to spew the hate that can only come from the self loathing she must have.
And what would a good sound trashing be if Rush Limbaugh did not get into the act? The OxyContin Cowboy has deemed the entire Cindy Sheehan story a hoax perpetrated upon lies and the fact that there are people that will actually believe him boggles the mind. It must be hell to have to take a vacuum cleaner stick it to your ear and suck out half of your brain in order to become a Dittohead but there are people in this country that are willing to do just that.
By no means are these the only members of the right wing God Squad who have decided that their political ideology permits them to attack this woman with impunity. Fred Barnes has decided that Cindy is a crackpot and David Horowitz believes that she is an anti-Semite. Cindy has been called a nut by the National Review editorial board and a leftist operative by most of the Fox News troglodytes. The Freepers have called her everything from a communist sympathizer to a modern day Jane Fonda but none of these people can really attack her on the core issue of her cause because it would make Georgie look bad.
The fact of the matter is that George W. Bush is a coward and does not even have the balls to take an ass chewing from a bereaved mother. It is painfully clear that the reason Bush will not meet with her is because his handlers know that he would not be able to handle the situation because of his temper. If he were to meet with Cindy it would only result in another example of the boy king's inability to take criticism and reinforce public perception that Shrub is disconnected with the American people. The only support he would ever get would be from knuckle dragging mouth breathers like Larry Northern.
Never in my life have I ever seen more damage done to a political party than when Northern decided to run over a symbolic tribute to the fallen soldiers from the war in Iraq. The twenty year struggle to paint the Republican Party as the political force that best represents support for the military was taken down by some redneck with a pickup truck. Forever now the face of the Republican Party when it comes to military affairs will be that of some backwoods country bumpkin with the IQ of a sand flea.
Posted in full with my permission