Peak Oil- Peak Empire
Community Solutions
As Peak Oil approaches, tensions are already building in the world. China appears to be a threat to our “national security” since they are consuming more and more energy. Japan speaks of taking more of a leadership role in Asia even if it means rearming. Russia is accused of backing off from the free market economy. India says a pipeline from Iran is necessary for its “national security.” Donald Rumsfield says we will be in Iraq another 12 years.
Wars are supposedly based on issues of freedom and goodness, but in reality they are mostly based on the desire for more land and resources. “Oil wars,” when they occur, are different only because occupation of land is not as relevant as actual control of the resources.
Inequity is increasing via the modern form of colonialism we call “globalization.” When Peak Oil occurs, wars of national energy liberation are highly likely unless we allocate the remaining fuels based on a concept of fair trade rather than free trade. This requires a fundamental change in American values. Unless the tremendous inequity in fossil fuel usage (which in today’s world equates to wealth) is addressed, conflict is inevitable.
(July 2005 issue)
Latest newsletter from Community Solutions gives a history of world empires, showing the connection to Peak Oil. The newsletter is 12 pages long, and the PDF is 341 KB. For one solution to the dilemma, see How to avoid oil wars, terrorism, and economic collapse by Richard Heinberg.
To download PDF go here: here Newsletter #6: