The comrade-assisted suicide of North American liberalism
By Michael Moriarty
web posted August 15, 2005
It began with Timothy Robbins' film Bob Roberts. Here was an American "revolutionary" artist predicting what his comrade-in-arms Norman Mailer also prophesied in his first novel, The Naked and the Dead: that an American, white Anglo-Saxon Protestant conservative would be there to literally smash these revolutionary dreams to pieces.
Others of the Edmund Wilson/American Marxist fraternity are now saying that the "beast" is the white, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant President George W. Bush himself. However, Bush, Jr. does not have the Tom Sawyer smile of Bob Roberts nor the military credentials of General Cummings. This Junior does not play a musical instrument either.
So, there are in the Bush Jr. curriculum vitae some major, missing pieces to Mailer and Robbins' prophetic profile of the giant, WASP, American Beast. Mailer's vision, spawned in the Paris Sorbonne, and Robbins' conjuration out of Warren Beatty's Soviet Hollywood have only been entirely and profoundly fulfilled by a beast that arose out of their own Democratic Party backyard. When William J. Clinton becomes the head of the Napoleonic United Nations, he will bear the title of General. All the other trappings of Bob Roberts have been his since the moment he crawled out from under the rock of Hope, Arkansas, and set his sights not only on the Kennedy Presidency but also on the very robes of Napoleon himself, the Secretary Generalship of the United Nations.
How confident of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to help fast-track the Arkansas wunderkind right by the Mario Cuomo, into the White House and thence safely into the throne of the UN. That the family of George H.W. Bush (as the president's father is now called to avoid confusion) and the Clinton power couple have been playing volleyball with the Oval Office for 17 years is a very clear reflection of Pierre Trudeau's achievement with Bay Street Conservative Brian Mulroney (who brought Canada the hated GST – the 7% Goods and Services Tax on everything, aka the Gouge and Screw Tax). All these parties maintained the illusion of a two-party democracy while entrenching a backroom deal between capitalists and communists. And of course this was all done "to save the human race from nuclear suicide."
I PROMISE YOU it gets nuttier than this. Get a load of his Obama Conspiracy Theory...