His article was published July 4, 2005 in The American Conservative." What a difference a month (actually 33 days) makes!
McConnell's thesis, "The failure of Americans to generate a politically significant domestic opposition to the war is now one of the most important developments in world politics. . . . The only constraints on its behavior are international" never allowed for, much less imagined, a Cindy Sheehan.
Then right off the bat McConnell sinks this whole argument's rationale by saying, "PERHAPS even greater than the absence of a draft," virtually conceding that the return of the draft would ignite massive, anti-war protests at the colleges of this country faster than any other single event could.
This will be especially true if, as has been called for on the floor of the House by several prominent Democrats, deferments for college students are disallowed, putting the lives of the sons and daughters of the more affluent on a par with those of the "lesser" classes. Considering the steadily deteriorating replenishment of targets, aka America's youth, for deployment to Iraq, the Pentagon will have to insist that * call for re-instituting the draft.
In support of his thesis he says, "But three other developments, of impact perhaps even greater than the absence of a draft, make a culture of protest harder to sustain than it was in the 1960s."
To digress for a moment - His glaring omission of the corporately-controlled "managed" news, that has sanitized the propaganda being fed to the populace, must be seen as deliberate, and probably quite in line with his conservative sensibilities.
To "control the message" has been the mantra of the warmongering vultures currently perched on the executive branch. From day one they have throttled what press they didn't already control outright, by denying access, ergo the practice of their profession, to any who committed the mortal offense of questioning anything they said or did. They have turned the journalistic search for the truth into an act of sedition against power.
But McConnell doesn't mention any of that. His "three developments" are -
the rise of the services-based economy, aka the demise of the middle-class;
the lack of "radical" Jewish youth to lead the rebellious endeavors, nonchalantly equating Jewish with Communist;
and the last, and most convoluted, the post-Viet Nam adoption of the military by the evangelical, Protestant, religious right as a "bulwark against national moral decay." By this, they imbued themselves with the authority to institutionalize and legitimize the concept of a "Just War," wherein America's enemies are "God's enemies." In other words, wrapping yourself in the flag while simultaneously rapping on the Bible evolved (my bad) into "a bright green (light) that relieved the Bush administration of any obligation to weigh seriously the moral implications of when and where it employed coercion.”
Which brings us back to Ms. Sheehan, that the pathetic dupe of "coordinated left" that the bilious slanderers of the right decry as a hapless front for their nefarious scheming.
I see her as that anonymous, lone, Chinese demonstrator who faced down the tanks in Tienanmen Square. The catalyst by which a nation regained its voice and the ambassador of the maimed and fallen.
And contrary to Mr. Mcconnell's prognostications, the people of this country are starting to be heard, and the chorus grows louder with each passing day and the passing of each soldier, that we will not much longer endure this abomination of our cherished, inalienable founding principles.