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"The same but different."

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scarletlib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 05:32 PM
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"The same but different."
Hope this has not been posted before. (Did search but nothing came up.) Saw this in the Friday edition of the Palm Beach Post and it immediately struck my heart. I am not a poet and certainly not a wordsmith. Please take time to read. Posting four paragraphs just won't convey the meaning of this beautiful editorial.

...The president works out a couple of hours a day. I go for long walks by the sea. We occupy that fraction of a fraction of the planet's inhabitants for whom keeping body and soul together - shelter, safety, food and drink - is not the immediate, everyday concern. We count ourselves among the blessed and elect who struggle with the troubles of surfeit rather than shortfall.

So why do I sense we are from different planets?

...So far this century proceeds apace: famines and genocides, invasions, occupations and suicide bombers. Humankind goes on burning the bridges in front and behind us without apology, our own worst enemies, God help us all.

And maybe this is the part I find most distancing about my president, not his fanatic heart - the unassailable sense he projects that God is on his side - we all have that. But that he seems to lack anything like real remorse, here in the third August of Iraq, in the fourth August of Afghanistan, in the fifth August of his presidency - for all of the intemperate speech, for the weapons of mass destruction that were not there, the "Mission Accomplished" that really wasn't, for the funerals he will not attend, the mothers of the dead he will not speak to, the bodies of the dead we are not allowed to see and all of the soldiers and civilians whose lives have been irretrievably lost or irreparably changed by his (and our) "Bring it On" bravado in a world made more perilous by such pronouncements.

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DELUSIONAL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 05:58 PM
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1. Well worth the time to read this
bushie has no remorse . . .
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scarletlib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-21-05 08:14 AM
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2. shamelss kick for a truly moving editorial
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