DUers have been published in the L2E column in my local rag
for responding to xenophobic, racist bullshit like the letter
below. Here's another opportunity. (Don't let the 2 week old
dateline discourage you, they will still publish responses.)
We won Iraq war, don't these people get it?
Sunday, August 7, 2005 12:07 AM PDT
Just have to add my two cents' worth, on the complainers that
state. "Bring um back from the war in Iraq." If you
haven't noticed, the war for Iraq is over and we won. That is
finished folks. We are there now to make sure the terrorist
groups of degenerate minded knuckle heads don't take it back
or start setting up camps here in the states as well as other
Every time we yap about our soldier's should come home, just
helps the enemy with the encouragement they need to continue
blasting away. I sure as heck agree I want them back and the
sooner the better.
I hurt every time I read one more has lost their life. I was
in the USIVIC and know and feel the hardships of our forces
but you ever notice that everyone that was sent home on leave
or what ever, wants to return to their group till this fight
is over. That's my type of soldier and I am proud of them. I
am not going to encourage the terrorist by complaining openly
to the public that we should pull out and let the bad guys
I don't trust any man that wears a dress, has his bath towel
wrapped around his head and looks like he hasn't had a shower
in a month. Just doesn't look right some how. That's just my
personal opinion. I can do that here in America. Try that over
there and look out!
Jim Leonard