Finally, Mr. Bush Realizes 'Ostriches Cannot Fly!'
By Hamza Mustafa
August 18, 2005
It took U.S. President George W. Bush over two years to understand that an ostrich, though a bird, is too large to fly. That is how many Iraqis interpret a report in the Washington Post in which senior White House officials are quoted as saying that Bush has lowered his expectations of what can be achieved in Iraq.
It is a political joke for many, and reminds us of the mythical despot who thought ostriches could fly. So when one of his senior officials was asked whether he also believed this, he said: “Yes. The ostrich flies but only at a very low altitude.”
The jest may not appeal to Americans, but the joke has spread almost everywhere in Iraq in the aftermath of the report.
Mr. Bush needs to be made to understand that his “ostrich” in Iraq was grounded the day his troops landed, and it has even lost a characteristic the African bird is famous for - the ability to run.