August 21, 2005
By: Stewart Nusbaumer
To slander opponents so their political positions are discredited -- Karl Rove's doctrine has been immensely effective in defeating Bush's challengers; will it now be effective in defeating grieving mother Cindy Sheehan?
Dirty fighting is in their political blood. Its their modus operandi. Its their crème de menthe. By slandering and lying and thrashing they decimate enemies and capture political office -- they win, which means everything to them. Now they are eyeing Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier tragically killed in Iraq, a grieving mother protesting the war from a ditch near George Bushs ranch. They want to slaughter the mother lamb to destroy her resonating antiwar message. They want to win again.
Henry Kissinger once joked seriously that 90 percent of politicians give the other 10 percent a bad reputation. Hunter Thompson once said that Richard Nixon, although this could have been about the 90 percent of politicians, could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time.
But George Bush and Karl Rove are not just back-stabbers -- they make Richard Nixon look like an angel. Rove and Bush are unique. Their vulgarity is wrenching, their lies are outrageous, their maliciousness is extreme, and their morality is nonexistent. All of which is evident in their sordid thrashing of three honorable military veterans.
Campaigns of Sleaze & Malice toward Three