The antitruth administration
St. Petersburg Times, 8/27/05
Facts are facts, unless you work for the Bush administration. Then facts are squishy things that can be altered, manipulated, glossed-over or subverted to fit a political agenda.
That is what statistician Lawrence Greenfeld discovered. The director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics was threatened with dismissal and likely will be banished to a lesser federal post because he stood up for certain facts that senior political officials at the Justice Department didn't want highlighted.
The small unit of the Justice Department that Greenfeld heads is supposed to enjoy some independence from political influence. It is charged with crunching law enforcement data in order to provide a clear and accurate picture of crime patterns and crime control activities across the country. But when Greenfeld refused to delete information in a draft news release on a new racial profiling study, Greenfeld's 23-year career trajectory screeched to a halt.
Political supervisors of Greenfeld didn't want it publicized that a congressionally mandated study found that black and Hispanic drivers were substantially more likely to have their vehicles searched and to have force used against them during a traffic stop than were white drivers. Data like that could embolden lawmakers who are pushing to make policing agencies more accountable on race issues. Because the Bush administration has been ambivalent toward these efforts, no press release was issued on the study, which was quietly published. It garnered no media or congressional attention.
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