;_ylt=AivL155ShkMwlxboMlRpFFas0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MjBwMWtkBHNlYwM3MTg-Toxins in breast milk in US and Canada: clinical study
Fri Aug 26, 4:12 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Breast milk of a startling number of mothers in the northwestern United States and neighboring Canada contains toxins from widely used flame retardents, a study showed.
The discovery of PBDEs in mothers milk suggests "a major environmental health concern" that demands "quick action," said Clark Williams-Derry of Northwest Environment Watch.
"It's time to stop using the flame retardents," Derry said. "Especially since safer alternatives exist."
PBDEs are a common insulator and fire inhibiter used in furniture, textiles and electronic gear, according to Derry. The chemicals are structurally similar to PCB, a cancer-causing fireproofing agent banned in the US in the 1970s.