'Proposed Iraqi Constitution Taking Country to the Grave ' (Ad Dustour, Jordan)
Please Mr. Bush, No More Sacrifices!
By Fatih Abdulsalam
August 30, 2005
In his efforts to bolster his falling ratings, U.S. President George W. Bush has let no occasion pass without telling Americans that the Iraq War is worth sacrifices.
By insisting that the sacrifices in Iraq are worth it, the President wants to drive the following message home: his Iraq policy will go ahead regardless of the blood being shed.
There is no doubt the situation in Iraq is precarious and the tenuous agreement on the Constitution is unlikely to change things for the better. The outcome of constitutional talks must have been quite a shock to U.S. policy makers, after President Bush’s personal involvement to get all sides sign on. As the situation stands now, all indications point to the collapse of the program designed for Iraq by the United States. Washington must be embarrassed by the course of events.
The sacrifices are high, and probably too high for both the U.S. and Iraq. The people Washington supported to steer Iraq’s ship of State after America’s 2003 invasion have proven almost completely ignorant of the country they have come to rule.