George W. Bush's extended vacation at his Texas ranch was cut short this week, after Hurricane Katrina decimated the Gulf Coast and left New Orleans submerged in a murky water world.
Peeling himself away from clearing brush, the president had staged two photo-ops in California earlier in the week, touting his war on terrorism and new developments in Iraq. Speaking to sailors at Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, Bush linked the Iraq war to the great struggle against tyranny in World War II. Telling sailors and marines he would "fight foreign enemies to victory," Bush promised to complete the mission in Iraq -- thought it's not clear what completion means. Drawing parallels to WWII is the same Orwellian logic used to justify toppling Saddam, despite the fact that Iraq had nothing to do with Sept. 11. Instead of shelving the propaganda, Bush poured it on while New Orleans drowned.
amen brothers and sisters! AMEN!