Why is New Orleans in so much worse shape today than New York City was after the attacks on Sept. 11?
The short answer is that New York was attacked by fire, not water. But then why are urbanites so much better prepared to cope with fire than with flooding? Mostly because they learned to fight fire without any help from the Army Corps of Engineers or the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Rest here:
http://nytimes.com/2005/09/03/opinion/03tierney.htmlHere's my response letter to the little cockroach:
Regarding your contemptuous and ill-willed editorial (Ben Franklin Had the Right Idea for New Orleans), the wealthy will always build where they can get the best vistas and will always be able to evacuate before disaster hits. It’s the poor, the disenfranchised, the young and the old who suffer in the wrath of a forewarned disaster such as Katrina. To protect them requires a strong, well-funded federal government with competent leadership (the latter the very antonym of George W. Bush).
Go crawl back to that right-wing think rock you came out from under, cockroach.
With utter contempt.