He sounds like a really smart, incredibly pissed of DUer all the time.
He'd probably get shit here (form some) for being so extreme.
He is the angriest guy in America, almost, about Bush. His column on the inauguration will be used by historians.
Here are titles from his columns over the past months:
http://www.lewrockwell.com/roberts/roberts-arch.htmlImpeach Bush Now
Before he creates yet another disaster, says Paul Craig Roberts.
New Orleans Is a War Casualty
Iraq comes home.
What Is the 'Noble Cause'?
Paul Craig Roberts on the presidential crusade in the Middle East.
No Justice, No Peace
Paul Craig Roberts on lying prosecutors and oppressive cops.
Get Ready for WWIII
Thanks, George, says Paul Craig Roberts.
Kelo Catastrophe
Paul Craig Roberts disagrees with Lew Rockwell (and not on trade).
Impeach the Whole Bunch
Paul Craig Roberts on lying pols.
The Failed Adventure
It's being tossed on history's trash heap, says Paul Craig Roberts.
Hey. George
Paul Craig Roberts on Bush's last chance.
Killing and Lies
Paul Craig Roberts on why the US has been defeated in Iraq.
He's Ruining America
Paul Craig Roberts on the consequences of Bush's war of aggression.
Why the War of Aggression?
Paul Craig Roberts wonders if the C-in-C knows himself.
Are Ordinary Americans Guilty?
Of aggressive war and the destruction of liberty?
Manufacturing 'Terrorists'
Paul Craig Roberts on the national-security state.
Destroying Companies and Countries
Paul Craig Roberts on the hubris and idiocy of executive power.
Doormats for a War Criminal
Paul Craig Roberts on Congress and the American people.
The OKC Bomb: a Federal Sting Gone Wrong?
Paul Craig Roberts on the cover-up of a federal torture-murder, and what it means.
Darth Dubyous
Paul Craig Roberts on George W. Palpatine.
Impeach and Convict
Nothing else will cleanse America, says Paul Craig Roberts.
Mass Murder for Democracy
Paul Craig Roberts on Wilson's War by Jim Powell, and Wilsonian George.
Cakewalk Slavery
Paul Craig Roberts on the "draft solution."
Change Has Begun That the US Can't Control
Paul Craig Roberts on DC's Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Bin Laden Approves
Of US Iraq policy.
The Brownshirt Media
They're conservatives, of course.