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Why the American dream is one of the biggest lies

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Frederik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 03:10 PM
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Why the American dream is one of the biggest lies
Sunday Herald

So what are those lessons to be learned from a destroyed city with thousands dead, little or no relief for survivors, and lawlessness taking over from wind and water as the greatest threat to life? Not very nice lessons unfortunately. As the bodies of the poor, black, disenfranchised southerners bob to the surface of the rat-infested and sewage-infused waters, we’re reminded that America’s position as a big, safe, morally decent democracy with opportunity for all is one of the world’s biggest lies. The American dream that is being held up as the cause worth dying for in the Middle East is as rotten to the core as its demonic administration.

When Bush is temporarily propped up on two legs by his people, out of his natural position on all fours with knuckles resting gently on the White House carpet, to tell the world that his country’s values and people are worth fighting for, he omits to mention that he doesn’t mean poor people or black people. Not only is this huge slice of the American public kept largely invisible, in case it ruins the image of the culture which Bush’s administration demands countries in “the axis of terrorr” adopt, but even when such poverty is exposed to the world the US elite has little shame in publicly holding these stricken citizens in contempt.

Take the comments made to the press by Michael Brown, the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. When quizzed on the probable death toll, which is now running into the thousands, Brown said: “Unfortunately that’s going to be attributable to a lot of people who did not heed the warnings. I don’t make judgements about why people chose not to leave but, you know, there was a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans.”

So when those with cars left the city, leaving behind those with no transport, did that mean that every available coach, truck and helicopter was made available to get them out? Apparently not. Some of those who didn’t “heed the warnings” because they had no means of exit, included charity care homes for the elderly, hospitals, whole housing schemes of poor black residents, a children’s care home, and countless thousands of dispersed penniless people living on state benefits who were trapped and killed, not because they were wilful irresponsible risk takers, but because they were poor, powerless and vulnerable.

In a breathtaking display of racism, some white British students who were trapped in the hell of the city’s Superdome stadium, being used for refugees, were removed to a safer place in a basketball arena by a white policeman who one student described as having “broken all the rules” to help them. The students were young, healthy and in no immediate distress except for experiencing mildly aggressive taunts about their colour, and yet the stadium was full of dangerously ill people, highly distressed old people, young children at great risk of dehydration, but for whom nobody “broke all the rules” on account of the fact that they were black. Meanwhile the gangs of black youths stalking the city on orgies of raping, violence and looting are not the bogeymen Islamic “enemies of freedom” but products of their own “democratic” country’s polices of exclusion and division.

The lessons we’re learning from this horror are not about disaster management or speed of response, but about exposing the terrifying falsehoods at the heart of America’s relentless and belligerent quest for world domination. With Bush turning his gimlet eye to Iran, and linking his arm through that of our own dear Tony Blair as he does so, it’s never been more timely to be reminded so dramatically that the US is a deeply dysfunctional, decadent, declining society, imploding with its own prejudices, corruptions and hypocrisies.

John F Kennedy said: “I look forward to a great future for America, a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose.”

Yes that would be nice John, wouldn’t it? I’m sure that as soon as the honourable, honest, decent people who run the country work out who it was who really shot you, they’ll get right on with the job of bringing your vision about.

04 September 2005

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jus_the_facts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 03:13 PM
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1. here is proof that the lies and visions are creepin' death...
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mongo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 03:16 PM
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2. It's time for another new deal for the American people
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Karenina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 06:12 PM
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3. Many years ago the "Abyss of the American LIE"
was brought home to me by a natural disaster. I LEFT, knowing folks would not wake up within my short lifespan...
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Mister Mark Donating Member (125 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 06:40 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Where did you go?
And how did you get there?
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La Coliniere Donating Member (581 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 10:23 PM
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5. Painfully True!
American's live in perpetual denial, preferring to believe in the myth. Rabbit Hole Nation.
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Briar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 05:05 AM
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6. Such an apt image!
"When Bush is temporarily propped up on two legs by his people, out of his natural position on all fours with knuckles resting gently on the White House carpet, to tell the world that his country’s values and people are worth fighting for, he omits to mention that he doesn’t mean poor people or black people."

How is it that such a complete incompetent and clown can continue to garner approval ratings at all? By the collective will of the people who believe he represents them, of course. Gray has nailed it.
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BlueJac Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:01 AM
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7. Nice job
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PinkyisBlue Donating Member (617 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 01:01 PM
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8. The American Dream
The poor have been shut out of the American dream, and now the middle class is feeling the effects of this administration's elitist economic policies. Wages are stagnant, healthcare is becoming harder to get and to pay for, savings are down, debt is up, inflated prices are taking more of our money, good jobs are difficult to find, worries about retirement income are on the rise, government services and programs to assist people are being cut, etc. One by one, more of us are seeing the American dream fade from view. Soon we can no longer pretend the poor don't exist because we will have become the poor, too.

As stated in this opinion piece, "...the US is a deeply dysfunctional, decadent, declining society, imploding with its own prejudices, corruptions and hypocrisies." A country that allows only its most elite citizens to benefit economically during the good times will allow its most desperate citizens to be harmed during the bad.
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