By Rob Kall
Did Nero actually fiddle? We’ll never know for sure. But, off course, now, we have that famous photo of Bush playing a guitar, lobbying for the end of social security and estate taxes while thousands drowned. I’m going to say that Bush decided to kill these people and wipe out New Orleans. I am saying he is 100% responsible for the failures that led to the levee break and the failures to rescue the victims of the Levee Flood. I am saying that now that the disaster has occurred, Bush is the Number one Vulture.
New Orleans will be rebuilt, but it won’t be built the same as before. Maybe I’ve watched too much science fiction and read too many apocalyptic books like It Can’t Happen Here and the Librarian. But here’s what I see as New Orlean’s future.
Like the third world place it has become, a handful of wealthy people and a corrupt government will take over the entire New Orleans area. They will hand out contracts to Halliburton and whichever other big companies gave contributions to Bush.
Federal regulations will forbid small homes. The area that was flooded is prime real-estate, next to the French Quarter. It will be paved and covered with high-rise hotels, office buildings, golf courses, perhaps a shopping mall or two and a load of casinos. They’ll probably all be designed with flood resistant parking garages below flood level.
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