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God to Bush: You blew it

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tuvor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 02:33 PM
Original message
God to Bush: You blew it
Hurricane Katrina was your test

by Carol Wolman

George, you call yourself a Christian. You claim that you invaded Iraq because I told you to. You say that you were anointed to lead America.

George, don't you remember that My greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself? I sent Hurricane Katrina to test you, so that you could show Me and the world that you truly are compassionate, as you claim, that you truly are a capable leader, as you claim, that you truly listen to Me and carry out My will.

Instead, you showed the world your callous indifference, and your inability or unwillingness to assume leadership in a time of crisis. Your failure has cost thousands of lives, people who could have been rescued and sustained. Your failure has further besmirched the reputation of your government, which has shown itself to be an unfeeling and incompetent bunch, caring only about enriching themselves and gathering power.

Do you not recall My words:
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 02:47 PM
Response to Original message
1. george's Christianity is all for show. He doesn't have a clue what it
would take to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
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t73rvo Donating Member (19 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 03:19 PM
Response to Original message
2. Depends...what is the Agenda?
I have not been able to determine the reasons why Katrina has been and continues to be handled so ineptly, seems to me there is more to this then meets the eye.

On Wednesday several nurses at a local phoenix hospital placed a call to Senator John McCain's officer regarding the dire need for New Orleans hospitals to be evacuated immediately. We were told in a smug, condescending manner that we should call the RED CROSS. When questioned as to why a private charity should be called to conduct the evacuation of hospitals the responds was 'we're asking everyone to call the red cross'

Why also....are Medical Personnel asked to volunteer through the Red Cross (Halliburton however...payed) Is Nursing such a lucrative profession that they are able to volunteer massive amounts of services to a whole region of the country for as long as is needed? Were not talking about how much they want to help....this is about how much can they financially afford to?

I just happened to read Ivo Daalders' Article 'It's the Government--Stupid' and think this point must be considered:

The spin that the left has to watch out for is, "FEMA, a government agency, failed New Orleans, but look at the job the Red Cross did, you can't trust the government to do anything right!", when it was actually the people, and ideology, that were running FEMA (into the ground) that failed New Orleans.

Link to complete article:

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