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1906 San Francisco Earthquake Handled Faster Than Katrina

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 06:45 PM
Original message
1906 San Francisco Earthquake Handled Faster Than Katrina
Edited on Mon Sep-05-05 06:50 PM by RamboLiberal
President in 1906 Was Teddy Roosevelt - bet he's wishing he could come back and kick shrub's butt.

The Last Time America Lost a City

The earthquake struck at 5:13 AM.

By 7 AM federal troops had reported to the mayor.

By 8 AM they were patrolling the entire downtown area and searching for survivors.

The second quake struck at 8:14 AM.

By 10:05 AM the USS Chicago was on its way from San Diego to San Francisco; by 10:30 the USS Preble had landed a medical team and set up an emergency hospital.

By 11 AM large parts of the city were on fire; troops continued to arrive throughout the day, evacuating people from the areas threatened by fire to emergency shelters and Golden Gate Park.

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Spinzonner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 06:55 PM
Response to Original message
1. Well, in those days the Republicans were a party

(with lots of faults) not a conspiracy
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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 06:59 PM
Response to Original message
2. Yes, and they also dynamited a row of houses to create a firebreak.
Edited on Mon Sep-05-05 07:00 PM by Liberty Belle

Anyone interested in reading more details, check my novel set during the SF Earthquake:

Apollo's Fault (Dorchester Publishing/Leisure Books 1996)
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rzemanfl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 06:59 PM
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3. Recommended and amazed. n/t
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Bernardo de La Paz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 06:59 PM
Response to Original message
4. 99 years ago they didn't wait for political advisers / vacationing PR hack
99 years ago, they got the job done. They didn't wait for political advisers or vacationing Public Relations hacks.
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madrchsod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 07:27 PM
Response to Original message
5. telephone and telegraph
lines went dead expect for an cable that went to india and new york. that cable also went dead later .messengers were used to relay message to the stations away from frisco that were operational.
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CountAllVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 08:35 PM
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6. the fires did more damage than the quake itself
Edited on Mon Sep-05-05 08:37 PM by CountAllVotes
believe me I know.

My great great grandfather's house still stands btw in the Mission district. It was unscathed by the "great quake of 06". Family talk was always about the fires that destroyed the City, not the quake itself.

P.S. Don't call it "Frisco" unless you are damn mad at the place! and on edit ...

P.S.S. I've been saying we need a modernized version of TR for sometime now to those that care to listen to me.

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Hell Hath No Fury Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:39 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Yes, you are right...
most folks who don't know that whole story think the earthquake did all the damage. Pictures right after the quake but before the fire show a city hit hard, but still standing for the mosts part. When the fire started, that is when all hell broke loose.

Growing up here, I had always heard that story. When Loma Prieta hit, I saw the condition the City was in and wasn't too worried. But when I saw the Marina fire starting up five miles away, that is when I started to panic. They've done a lot to insure all neighborhoods have water available for firefighting via underwater cisterns, but I still get scared thinking about an earhtquake and fire.
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CountAllVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 11:34 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. SF has a tremendous history of earthquakes
and I've found records of a whole bunch of HUGE ones that occurred before 1860.

I'll tell you, it will happen again no doubt. When is the question. The only good thing I can say about SF and earthquakes is that they cannot do a whole lot now to change any of it.

They have done their best but still the same, the apt. building I lived in in 1974 was crumbled to the ground after the Loma Prieta hit.

It was a rough time. I decided I'd had enough of it. I figure my family has lost 10-12 homes in San Francisco.


And as for me, still here on the San Andreas.

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