Want to know what the conservatives are thinking about Katrina? The "conservatives" who are paid to be apologists for corporate America?
From the neo-conservative TechCentralStation, which is "grateful to the American Beverage Association, AT&T, ExxonMobil, Freddie Mac, General Motors Corporation, McDonalds, Merck, Microsoft, Nasdaq, and PhRMA for their support"
http://www.techcentralstation.com/090405B.html"We already know how this is going to end.
The American economy will shiver a bit, stagger slightly, adjust itself and absorb the cost of Katrina.
The miserable scumbags who exploited the misery and interfered with the rescue will be arrested, run off or shot.
CNN may get over its hyperventilating, indignant surprise that food, drink and comfort could not be instantly delivered to those who, for whatever reason, remained in the danger zone despite warnings.
We will learn painful lessons from mistakes and failures that will enable the remarkable rescue apparatus we have devised to work better next time.
Slowly the little stories of personal heroism and common decency in the face of misery and chaos will come out.
As usual, the Salvation Army will have performed its sacrificial work with hardly a notice from anyone. And scores of religious groups, churches, synagogues and other organizations like the Red Cross will have brought the essentials of help, from cots to coffee, to those suffering at the ground level of this terrible disaster.
The grim business of finding and identifying the bodies will come to its slow, painful finish.
The strain on oil supply will subside and gasoline prices will retreat.
The economic power plus personal altruism of Americans, which funneled more than a billion dollars in non-governmental aid to the victims of last year's Pacific tsunami, will outdo itself.
Yes, millions of dollars will be wasted, misdirected, misspent, stolen. Politics will be played. The media will yammer endlessly. And yet the necessary relief will be delivered."
One of the comments:
I don't care very much myself. These people were warned to evacuate the city.
The people who stayed in New Orleans were the poor. If they are poor they are unproductive. If they all drown it won't be much loss to society. It will be no problem to retro-fill that hole in the ground with more poor people.
Why should my tax money be used to buid levies because they want to live in a hole between two rivers and a lake? Let them move somewhere else. There is no shortage of land in North America.
Flooding in Holland has frequently occured in the past. There is a shortage of land in Holland. The Dutch have no choice unless they chose to immigrate abroad. Maintaining those dykes cost them 3% of their GNP which is about what our DoD costs.
No man made object can hold forever against mother nature. If a person choses to live on say the San Andres fault line in Calfornia then don't expect sympathy when you become a victum of an earth quake.
Carl M. Kinganother one:
One thing that our experts have over looked in helping us get prepared for disasters is to suggest that family disperse geographically upon reaching adult-hood so that, no matter where disaster strikes, we have refuge with established family! Thanks, for stepping back and providing necessary perspective. Yes, this is a current crisis and newsworthy. We will get over it and beyond. JerriAnother charming comment, to another article:
But the sad fact that these people stealing tv's, stereos, etc etc have said they feel no guilt, well, that is the worst part. It is proof positive that we are now reaping what has been sown by the morally insolvent leftists who have latched onto our society with a deathgrip.
Maybe this disaster will serve as a wake-up call to the country. Maybe it will ultimately serve as the blood sacrifice we need in order to rouse ourselves from our slumber, and throw off the yoke of perverse insanity which has befallen this country. Maybe the clouds will part, and sunlight will finally shine on these wriggling vermin who have sought to destroy us from within.
One can only hope.One more:
Stealing is okay if you're poor. Notice the starved looks on the looters. Why most of these folks look like they'd feed a family of Somilias for a year.
Surival is vital, thats why the poor looters went for liquor, jewelry and guns with the occassional plasma tv. When they weren't too busy stopping and looting medical supply trucks and hospitals. Yes Mike we know what values you celebrate I mean who are we to deny a fix to the poor and deserving. Be sure to read all the other thoughtful articles on Katrina by the good folks at Techcentralstation:
"Where Free Markets Meet Technology"