Why does everything Bush touch turn to shit? His utter disdain for reality.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/9/5/195923/0333As Ron Suskind famously quoted one "senior advisor" to the President: "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality." No, we don't. What Mooney's book shows quite clearly is that empires create their own fantasies. They practice a form of political masturbation, where they stroke themselves, alone in the darkness, pretending to be loved.
Though officially concerned with stem cells and sex education, Mooney's book has much greater implications. It gets to the heart of what is responsible for every misstep, every blunder, every inexplicable decision this administration has ever made. It gives us an important lesson: reality doesn't bend to anyone's agenda. So our agendas better start bending to reality, or New Orleans won't be the only casualty of this empire's arrogance.