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Buzzflash interview-Chris Mooney, auth. of "The Republican War on Science"

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Dudley_DUright Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 11:51 AM
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Buzzflash interview-Chris Mooney, auth. of "The Republican War on Science"
Chris Mooney is a former editor of The American Prospect. He has also written for Mother Jones, Wired, the Boston Globe and Slate. He specializes in the relationship between politics and religion. His 328-page book was released this fall.

BuzzFlash: Your book is called The Republican War on Science. We wanted to first explore the word "war." That's a pretty big word. Obviously we have the war in Iraq. There's a book over 300 pages. Some Administrations adopt some policies that might be adverse to science. You call this a war in terms of the Republicans and the Bush Administration and the Republican Congress. Why did you use that word?

Chris Mooney: Obviously I'm using a metaphor to describe what is essentially a comprehensive assault on scientific expertise. I don't mean a literal war, but I'm referring to the fact that scientific expertise has been undermined very systematically by the Bush Administration and by the Republican Congress on issues ranging from evolution to global climate change to embryonic stem cell research. I think that it's appropriate to talk about this comprehensive assault, using that kind of figurative language.

BuzzFlash: Okay, from a political perspective, it seems to BuzzFlash that there are two main motivations -- not the only ones -- for the Bush Administration/Republican Congress' war on science. One, it benefits the companies that donate to the Republican Party, particularly companies using natural resources, to make claims that aren't true about scientific evidence, whether it be global warming or cutting down trees and so forth. And two, it benefits the Bush Administration/Republican Party politically -- at least they believe so -- by reinforcing the religious convictions of the most fundamentalist base that science is, in essence, a modern-day attack on creationism, or, in the latest euphemistic transformation, on intelligent design.

Chris Mooney: Exactly.

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GOPFighter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 12:40 PM
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1. It's not just a war on science, but on education too
Imagine how many people there are in this country who never had a chance to go to college, either because they didn't have the resources or didnt think they were smart enough. Over the years they've felt dumb, uneducated, unable to understand the science discussions we take for granted. Now here come a President that says "the scientists are wrong about everything. They've been brainwashed by the liberal educaters, but they are wrong. You've been right all along. Evolution is bunk, there's plenty of oil - we just have to keep drilling, there is no global warming, blah, blah" All of a sudden these people feel good about themselves, feel glad they didn't go to college, feel superior to those who are more educated. It's a heady feeling and it's going to be tough to convince them otherwise.
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