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Dowd: "Haunted by Hesitation"

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Rose Siding Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 09:59 PM
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Dowd: "Haunted by Hesitation"
Edited on Tue Sep-06-05 10:07 PM by Rose Siding
It took a while, but the president finally figured out a response to the destruction of New Orleans.

Later this week (no point rushing things) W. is dispatching Dick Cheney to the rancid lake that was a romantic city. The vice president at long last lumbered back from a Wyoming vacation, and, reportedly, from shopping for a $2.9 million waterfront estate in St. Michael's, a retreat in the Chesapeake Bay where Rummy has a weekend home, where "Wedding Crashers" was filmed and where rich lobbyists hunt.

Maybe Mr. Cheney is going down to New Orleans to hunt looters. Or to make sure that Halliburton's lucrative contract to rebuild the city is watertight. Or maybe, since former Senator John Breaux of Louisiana described the shattered parish as "Baghdad under water," the vice president plans to take his pal Ahmad Chalabi along for a consultation on destroying minority rights.
The administration's foreign policy is entirely constructed around American self-love - the idea that the U.S. is superior, that we are the model everyone looks up to, that everyone in the world wants what we have.

But when people around the world look at Iraq, they don't see freedom. They see chaos and sectarian hatred. And when they look at New Orleans, they see glaring incompetence and racial injustice, where the rich white people were saved and the poor black people were left to die hideous deaths. They see some conservatives blaming the poor for not saving themselves. So much for W.'s "culture of life."

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Bumblebee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 10:04 PM
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1. and this is from the NYT editorial
The panel should also look at the shortcomings of local officials and governments. It was chilling, to put it mildly, to read Mayor Ray Nagin's comment in The Journal that New Orleans's hurricane plan was "get people to higher ground and have the feds and the state airlift supplies to them."

But disasters like this are not a city or a state issue. They concern the entire nation and demand a national response - certainly a better one than the White House comments that "tremendous progress" had been made in Louisiana. We're used to that dismissive formula when questions are raised about Iraq. Americans deserve better about a disaster of this magnitude in their own country.
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Rose Siding Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 10:10 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Good- mostly they blast bush's decision to lead his own investigation
"...President Bush blithely announced at a photo-op cabinet meeting that he, personally, was going to "find out what went right and what went wrong." We can't imagine a worse idea.

No administration could credibly investigate such an immense failure on its own watch...."
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DELUSIONAL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 10:09 PM
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2. one of her best zingers
Let's play the blame game: the man who benefited more than anyone in history from safety nets set up by family did not bother to provide one for those who lost their families.
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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 10:30 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Another great passage
W.'s 2004 convention was staged like "The Magnificent Seven" with the Republicans' swaggering tough guys - from Rudy Giuliani to Arnold Schwarzenegger to John McCain - riding in to save an embattled town.

These were the steely-eyed gunslingers we needed to protect us, they said, not those sissified girlie-men Democrats. But now it turns out that W. can't save the town, not even from hurricane damage that everyone has been predicting for years, much less from unpredictable terrorists.

His campaigns presented the arc of his life story as that of a man who stumbled around until he was 40, then found himself and developed a laserlike focus.

But now that the people of New Orleans need an ark, we have to question the president's arc. He's stumbling in Iraq and he's stumbling on Katrina

This is one of the best Dowd columns ever. Though there will always be a part of me ticked at her skewering of Gore.
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DELUSIONAL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 10:36 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. She just loved to slim the Clintons -- but she did some research
for her column -- unlike the jerk Senator from Alaska who claims that area hit was TWICE the size of Europe.

Dowd writes: As the water recedes, more and more decaying bodies will testify to the callous and stumblebum administration response to Katrina's rout of 90,000 square miles of the South.

I'm not one of her fans -- but she hit a home run with this one.
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