(if dupe, please forgive)
I could splutter and curse right here, but no, I'll just let this fiasco speak for itself.
http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/09/06/katrina.charleston/index.html?section=cnn_latestA South Carolina health official said his colleagues scrambled Tuesday when FEMA gave only a half-hour notice to prepare for the arrival of a plane carrying as many as 180 evacuees to Charleston.
But the plane, instead, landed in Charleston, West Virginia, 400 miles away.
"Unfortunately, the plane did not come in," Simkovich said. "There was a mistake in the system, coming out through FEMA, that we did not receive the aircraft this afternoon. It went to Charleston, West Virginia."
A line of buses and ambulances idled behind him at Charleston International Airport as he described what happened.
"This is a 'no event' for today," Simkovich said.
EDIT: Some of the evacuees required medical treatment, so I'm sure this was a great surprise to BOTH Charlestons, as well as the injured and sick.