Our Regrets: Disclosure would have better served readers
http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/opinion/editorials/stories/DN-garcini_07edi.ART.State.Edition1.1395b578.html04:46 AM CDT on Wednesday, September 7, 2005
"...The Department of Education's inspector general released a report late last week saying that the department paid education advocacy groups to produce newspaper opinion pieces, advertisements and other public materials without revealing that the government paid for their production and distribution.
"Unfortunately, we published on our op-ed pages two pieces by a writer affiliated with one of those groups. We had no idea that Marcela Garcini had "government financial sponsorship" through her position as director of parent outreach for the Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options...
"...Ms. Garcini says she regrets not disclosing "that I work on a project that is funded by the Department of Education."
Letters to the editor: