first responders were overwhelmed by a disaster of epic proportions, from which federal aid was withheld. Most of the local cops and other people in authority and rescue personnel would be in various states of trauma themselves; probably everybody in the city had PTSS, in the midst of a never-ending emergency. It's a situation of extreme stress. The best and the worst in people can come out. They are in a raw state. They've all seen their city destroyed; many have lost someone (or more), are suffering sleep deprivation, hunger, lack of liquids, and may be in a state of fear about their own safety. This is WHY we HAVE a federal government and mutual aid agreements. It's a given that local forces cannot handle emergencies like this. And much of what we read in these accounts, here, is the result of FEMA and the feds *not* giving aid.
The cops who promised buses may not have been lying. They may have been trying to give hope; or they may themselves have been given misinformation, or disinformation. FEMA's role in all this, and Bush's, and Cheney's, are highly suspect. There is a thread listing all the aid that FEMA refused from other states, or obstructed, or could have provided and did not. USS Bataan was right offshore with a hospital, doctors, rescue helicopters and food and water stocked up. They couldn't get an order from Bush, and couldn't act without it. What was going on here? It sounds so much 9/11, like the Navy was stood down.
That's sure what it looks like, in everything FEMA did and didn't do. The head of FEMA *issued orders* for rescue crews from other states NOT TO LEAVE their jurisdictions, NOT to respond, without proper legal requests. You just DON'T DO this in an emergency. You have to get rescuers on the road and into the air, in motion toward the disaster, on what may be incomplete orders or requests--and you do the paper work on route, or later. You can't wait. People are dying! So this "do not respond" order from FEMA is inexplicable--and points to sinister motives, rather than incompetence, or blundering, or confusion.
And the local cops and authorities may have been as bewildered as the firemen and doctors and first responders and others all over the country, ready to help and turned down or delayed. But the locals were a whole lot more tired and at the end of their wits' end--with help promised, and expected, and never arriving.
This doesn't excuse mistreatment and racism, although it may be something of an excuse for neglect. They simply did not have the resources to do anything--and they probably feared the crowd if they had arrived with meager resources. Think of their state of mind, their own exhaustion, anxiety, trauma and fear--and that of their commanders. What should their people be told to do--if they had little or no food to give, or water, or other help? Their own minds were probably reeling.
And this went on and on and on--with no help arriving, and nothing to provide. The whole situation was so horrendous, I'm amazed there wasn't open warfare--a credit mostly to the victims trapped in these godawful circumstances, about whom a constant stream of disinformation was coming out.
And it's no surprise to hear of local police quitting, and some suicides. The local authorities were in an impossible position--and there also seems to have been mis-direction and obstruction and disinformation happening. Shots fired at a rescue helicopter? None reported to the FAA. Helicopters supposed to sandbag the levee? Helicopters went elsewhere. Buses supposed to be a certain place; none arrive.
It's FEMA that is at fault here, and Bush and the Bush Cartel--an egregious fault of murderous proportions that, of course, goes back to the 80% cut in levee funding, and the utter disregard for governmental responsibility (locals had been begging for the funds for years--which Bush was squandering in Iraq), all the way up to yesterday and today, with what appears to be a deliberate standdown of FEMA in one of the worst disasters in our history. No orders given. No help provided. Obstruction of help everywhere you look in this unfolding story.
No orders given? No positive orders, that is. It sure looks to me like an order to FEMA *not* to help was given by Bush, or possibly Cheney, and was obeyed at FEMA. And neither of them seems to have been in a position to receive advice from the active Naval commanders to activate resources such as the USS Bataan. (They didn't get orders from the President of the United States?!) And I can only speculate on the motives, but, given the history of this regime, I have to presume that the first motive was thievery, that played out something like this: a desire for martial law in order to clear the poor out, and discard those who survived, to confiscate property, to freely loot the new FEMA funds, and the generous donations of other countries, and to transform the city of New Orleans into some kind of Bushite/rich peoples' high security enclave, close to oil reserves, and with no poor people, or music, or color, or life, or culture, or the richness of American history, to disturb their oblivious royal highnesses.
Cheney was AWOL (or apparently so) throughout this disaster, and only after Halliburton had received the first contract for "reconstruction" did he emerge from hiding, and then canceled a trip to Canada "due to Katrina." With people starving, and dehydrated, and dying in their own feces in the cauldrons of the New Orleans detention centers, and people yet to be rescued in three states of the union, and frustrated rescuers all over the country, and hundreds if not thousands of bloated corpses floating around an American city, then and only then did he seem to take an interest in this catastrophe, and we can only imagine what it was.