If this was posted by me. I can't find it..It is a critical story needs attention..Bush's disasters dot the American landscape, we soon all will be living under martial law..
Link provided followed by first couple of paragraphs.
http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=55&p=15454&s2=06The Siege of New Orleans; a beachhead for the new world order
Mike Whitney
September 6, 2005
"We have been abandoned by our own country.Bureaucracy has committed murder here in the greater New Orleans area, and bureaucracy has to stand trial." Aaron Broussard
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". George Orwell
Neither the Mainstream media nor the alternative-Leftist web sites have told the truth about what really happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. For the people of the region it was the greatest natural catastrophe they'd ever faced. For the Bush administration it was just another opportunity to use fear and anarchy to advance their global agenda.
The administration intentionally withheld desperately needed aid to force Governor Kathleen Blanco into surrendering control of the National Guard and local police to federal authority. On this point there can be no doubt. This explains why neither FEMA, nor Homeland Security nor the Pentagon lifted a finger to help the distraught townspeople until almost 4 full days later. They were too preoccupied using vital supplies as bargaining chips to bribe the governor into submission. The Bush administration's goal was to dismantle regional defenses and militarize a major port city; an ambition they still have not abandoned.
The Katrina disaster provided the cover for the Pentagon to launch military operations against US citizens for the first time in modern history. This is the real story that underscores the negligence and bungling; the rest is just fluff.
The strategy that was applied to New Orleans is being used across the country to undermine local preparedness so that Rumsfeld can insert the military into domestic affairs. Within this schema, we can see how the calculated destruction of the National Guard (40% of who are overseas) works perfectly with the goals of the defense establishment and the corporate oligarchy it represents.