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Eric Margolis: U.S. the new Saddam

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muriel_volestrangler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 04:40 PM
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Eric Margolis: U.S. the new Saddam
(I don't think this was posted before, but without serach it's not easy to know. I'd guess someone posted the news sometime, but a lot of us may have missed that too)

The most important news from Iraq last week was not the much ballyhooed constitutional pact by Shias and Kurds, nor the tragic stampede deaths of nearly 1,000 pilgrims in Baghdad.

The U.S. Air Force's senior officer, Gen. John Jumper, stated U.S. warplanes would remain in Iraq to fight resistance forces and protect the American-installed regime "more or less indefinitely." Jumper's bombshell went largely unnoticed due to Hurricane Katrina.

Gen. Jumper let the cat out of the bag. While President George Bush hints at eventual troop withdrawals, the Pentagon is busy building four major, permanent air bases in Iraq that will require heavy infantry protection.
Chinese Taoists say you become what you hate. In a zesty irony, the U.S. now finds itself in a similar position as demonized Saddam Hussein. Saddam had to use his Sunni-dominated army to hold Iraq together by fighting Kurdish and Shia rebels. His brutal police jailed tens of thousands and routinely used torture.
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Tempest Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 04:41 PM
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1. Jumper sounds just like Westmoreland in 1965
Only the country was Vietnam, not Iraq.
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