The election of Arnold Schwarzenegger in California as governor is worrisome. While Arnold may be a RINO (after all, he has the Kennedy family behind him), it is significant that much of what could have damaged his campaign and run for the governorship was held back and not revealed, such as his relationship with Ken Lay and other energy criminals. He is also a "friend of the white house" and he is hardly, in any way, brilliant, seeing that he refused to participate in most of the debates, and only showed he was not up to the task when he did participate in one. Up until his first major movie in the U.S. (Conan the Barbarian) he was pretty much ignorant in speaking English (for those who have seen Conan, they know that Sandahl Bergman deserves a reward for being his mouthpiece through most of the film). In addition, his father worked for the Nazi party, and he has been quote, falsely or not, of saying that he admired Hitler.
It appears to me that the election of such a man would hardly be possible, but as many of us know, California is a different place than the rest of the country--the Repukes and the liberals are both very outspoken, and they do have this thing for celebrities. I don't know why--celebrities put on their underwear the same as you or I do, and they have the same faults, same biases, same sense of love and hate, and same desire to be "loved" as everyone else. On the other hand, many celebrities are major headcases, and while this won't work in the "normal" world, somehow it works in the entertainment world. It appears to me that somehow "hero" worship of Arnie, with the many films he's made in the hero/action/adventure genre have muddled people's minds, and have somehow made them inclined to think of him as more than human--someone with superpowers, coming to take away all their monetary woes and their problems.
In this election, I will say this much: true Democrats and liberals would never have voted for this man. True liberals and Democrats would have done everything in their power to stop this man from becoming governor. Despite the faults of both Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante, they are both a million times more capable of running the state, with a lot more experience, a lot less grandstanding, and a lot less of the empty promises that Arnold made on his campaign tour.
However. Arnold WAS elected. Arnold is going to become the new governor of the state of California, and it was two groups of people who made his election success possible: the rabid repukes, who hated Gray Davis enough to make this measure go through in the first place, and those who wavered in the middle, afraid of Davis, afraid of the truth, afraid of their own shadow, and too stupid to become better informed of the truth behind the candidates.
It's this group that I worry about. People who claim to be "apolitical" but who, at the same time, refuse to become more aware, more versed with the political measures, issues and laws being brought forward in a campaign. People who right now are showing distaste for the amount of what they perceive as "mud" that liberals are throwing at repuke politicians and other hatemongers such as Limbaugh, Robertson, Coulter and other whacko repukes. These people who are looking at this "mudslinging" have very short memories, because what the repukes did during the Clinton years was positively unparalleled. They forget that the Clinton White House was dogged by mudslinging, libel, slander and so much more hatred than it is imaginable.
However, it's these people who will be the ones who will determine whether Bush gets another 4 year term in office, and whether we will be completely morally bankrupt, financially as stable as a third world country, and heaped to the ears with the horrendousness we've already seen in the past three years.
When you think about it, it looks rather clear cut to a true liberal, who is following politics of any amount over the past three, four years. How could anyone re-install in the white house this criminal, and all the criminals that surround him? How can we truly bring back this regime which has more Americans out of work, more people hovering over true, reality-based poverty, while some, the top 5% in the country are continually bailed out by their cronies in the administration? We look and we can see all the horrors: the AWOL status, the brain-damaged chimp who drank, smoked pot, was a cokehead, a do-nothing to everyone, who was given every single thing he got in his life. Someone who never worked for, never even thought enough about anything, only expected it, and who has appointed nothing but criminals to his ever growing list of slackers, opportunists, con-artists and other deranged bunch of staffers. We see a corrupt government, which was planned, executed and decided upon long before the 2000 elections. We see the Machievellian moves of a small group who held, and still hold, many very powerful reins in the government, who have managed a coup as surely as if it were a South American country.
But these people in the middle, these "apolitical" folks who don't know diddly about politics, who only have shallow sources of information, and one of them is Fox news, who don't have either the inclination to get further involved, or the mindset to truly care, these people may not be so eager to dump the evil fascists who are currently in charge of our country. They don't know all the dirt, and even if they'd heard about it, they really don't give a crap, anyhow. They are not so eager to be educated, they are not eager to give up their sense of blissful half-ignorance, no matter what the consequences might be.
When I told some people recently about AWOLBush, they were dumbstruck. One said he "had to be on a secret mission" for his dad, who was in charge of the CIA. One was completely like, "huh?" One defied me to find them proof. One was downright nasty and told me that I was a filthy liberal trying to trump up evidence that was false against a decent president. How do you win? The ones I could tell who showed an interest were pointed to the site to see for themselves. The conservative who told me I was making up info will never be convinced, or when he is finally shown the light, it will be too late.
Sometimes, I think that things happen for a reason. Sometimes I believe, like with my own pet novel project, that someone from the future comes here to change things because if they don't that things are worse with a different outcome. For an example, if Al Gore had been elected, and was actually sitting in the white house, there are some possibilities which might have happened:
1) The World Trade Center tragedy might not have happened on that day of September 11, 2001. However, al-Quaeda could have had more time to plan it, and even more insidiously, and it could have been the WTC during the middle of the day, during which conceivably 10,000+ might have perished instead.
2) The neo-cons would have been able to plan their corrupt take-over of the U.S. (and ultimately the world) for even longer, and the atrocities they committed would have been worse--Afghanistan might have been set right if Gore were president (he, after all, would have pursued bin Laden and found him and prosecuted him before losing his attention span like Bush and tried to take another war on), but when they finally put a president in the white house in 2008, after pulverizing Gore like they did Clinton, there might have been an actual martial law imposed, there would likely be complete and utter destruction not only in Iraq, but in any country that opposed Israel and other neo-con goals.
3) The persecution of Gore would have brought even worse morale to the country, and the pukes would have had a lot more power to take even more of our civil rights away from us, create a true two tiered class system in the U.S. and managed to make some people in the lower class into virtual slaves.
4) The religious right would have managed to make major strides in making this a "christian nation" by THEIR standards, and anyone who was not "fundamentalist" or some other very stridently hateful sect of their "christian" world would be persecuted like in the old days for their beliefs.
These are just a number of reasons why their being in power now begs those of us who are more aware of the goings-on in the government must, at all costs, educate those in the "middle" so that by the election next year, we will have not only the truth on our side, but far more people knowledgeable about the truth, so that we will not be fooled again.