Is this guy a trickle down moron or what?
The short view: The U.S. plutonomy
Citigroup strategist argues Katrina economic impact limited
Not everyone believes that high oil prices, or the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, will have a significant impact on the U.S. economy.
Ajay Kapur, global strategist at Citigroup, says the U.S. is a "plutonomy;" an economy powered by the wealthy. Whilst the average consumer devotes 7.8 percent of their total expenditure to energy-related products, high-earners devote just 6 percent. "They account for the bulk of consumption and are relatively unscathed by high oil prices," Kapur says.
Kapur also argues that the main reason that past oil prices have been associated with recessions has been the response of the monetary authorities. "The key for equity investors is to closely track leading indicators of core inflation to anticipate the likely monetary response. So far they are not worrisome," he says.