Here's the gist of it, although the article itself may go a bit too far with a comparison of Arnorld with another Austrian facist leader from the past...easy shot, but a bit much...perhaps.
By Stewart Nusbaumer
"... the need for Democrats to change their elitist tune, and fast!
(Democrats can't defeat the Republicans in elitism, although they are trying.)
The need for Democrats to genuinely listen to and respect what average Americans say, their opinions and their suggestions, and then integrate what is heard into a progressive, populist agenda."
--"Arnold won the election because of the failure of Democrats and because of the unfairness of media in pursuit of star power for corporate profit. But we shouldn¡¦t be surprised since health care, increasingly education, and regular political campaigns all operate according to the profit motive in America. All have dominating financial interests where business does not belong. This recall election was simply another sphere where money dominated, the media in pursuit of dominant money. And Democrats helped by saying little of signifance and doing nearly nothing."