MOSUL, Iraq -- For more than six months I have participated in what I believe to be the great modern lie: Operation Iraqi Freedom.
After Sept. 11 and throughout the battle in Afghanistan, the groundwork was being laid for the invasion of Iraq. ''Shock and awe'' was the term used to describe the display of power upon the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was to be a dramatic show of strength and advanced technology from within the arsenals of the American and British militaries.
`Shock and awe'
As I was preparing to take part in the invasion of Iraq, the words ''shock and awe'' rang deep within my psyche. Even as we soldiers departed, it seemed that these two great superpowers were about to break the very rules they demanded that others obey. Without the consent of the United Nations, and ignoring the pleas of their own citizens, the United States and Britain invaded Iraq. ''Shock and awe'' correctly described the emotional impact I felt as we embarked on an act not of justice but of hypocrisy.
As soldiers serving in Iraq, we have been told that our purpose here is to help the people of Iraq by providing them the necessary assistance militarily as well as in humanitarian efforts. Then tell me where the humanity was in the recent Stars and Stripes account of two children taken to a U.S. military camp by their mother, in search of medical care. The children had been unknowingly playing with explosive ordnance they had found and as a result were severely burned. The account tells how they, after an hourlong wait, were denied care by two U.S. military doctors. A soldier described the incident as one of many ''atrocities'' he had witnessed on the part of the U.S. military.