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It's Getting Scary Out There

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buzzsaw_23 Donating Member (631 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 07:07 PM
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It's Getting Scary Out There
It’s Getting Scary Out There

Commentary, Frank Nelson, Attorney,
Asian Journal, Sep 12, 2005
Increased xenophobia (fear of aliens) in this country since the September 11th terrorist attacks continues to make life more difficult for non-U.S. citizens. Vigilante groups are stationed at the borders to try to keep people out. There are rumors of some police departments conducting door-to-door searches for illegal immigrants. Republicans in Congress continue in their efforts to deport as many aliens as possible. In short, this is not a very happy time in our country’s immigration history.

The only group of foreign-born people who are relatively safe from these developments are naturalized U.S. citizens. Yet, I see people in my office almost every day with serious immigration problems which could have been avoided by simply naturalizing when they became eligible. When I ask them why they did not naturalize, the most common answer is “I meant to, but I just never got around to it.”

Permanent Residents of the U.S. can be deported from this country due to relatively minor crimes such as shoplifting or driving under the influence. Even worse, a crime which does not make you deportable can become a deportable offense if you leave the country. Because of this, many people who have gone back to the Philippines for a relative’s wedding, or simply to visit family and friends, only to discover that their pleasure trip has jeopardized their future in the United States.

Even if you have never been arrested or convicted of any crimes, leaving the U.S. can still jeopardize your status. Many people believe that they can leave the country for up to a year without having any problems upon their return. This is simply not correct. Permanent Residents who are absent from the United States for more than six months put their status at risk. Even departures of less than six months can jeopardize your status under some circumstances.
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-12-05 07:14 PM
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1. Personally, I'm Scared of Republicans
Having married, divorced, and pursued over two ncontinents for child support a certifiable sociopath, I have to conclude that it is a prerequiste for supporting the rightwingers in the GOP: one must have a thought disorder and/or a personality disorder to join.
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