Edited on Wed Sep-14-05 08:33 PM by shadowknows69
We post his column occasionally under the title
The truth you can't handle by Dissident
Mr. Responsibility
Huh?....Wha?....Damnit can’t you see I’m sleepin….He what? For the hurricane fiasco? Took responsibility? Get out!!! He hasn’t even met with that mother he wouldn’t…..OK I believe you! I’ll get up!
I guess the vacation is over. I know it’s been a long piece since we last spoke fellow citizens. I took a cue from our dear leader GW and went on a vacation myself for the last several weeks. OK, actually I got so fed up with the, “powers that be”, screwing up everything in this country that I put myself in a cryogenic sleep chamber with instructions to be awakened when the cockroaches took over from us. They’d be much easer to get along with and I, for one, welcome our future insectoid overlords.
But I digress. Apparently the reason my Chief of Staff, Markkkus Bulshouchz, has roused me this fine September evening is that our glorious leader finally had to jump the proverbial shark right on public TV and admit that all was not hunkey (or is that honkey?) dory in Bushville. All while he was publicly servicing his best buddy, the current and future, removed in a coup or civil war, President of Iraq Inc. too.
When I decided to “go under” until a braver new world presented itself, GW was just going on vacation himself, a couple dozen of our Marines were killed by the “last throes” of the insurgency and Baghdad was blowing up daily. Cindy Sheehan had set up camp outside the vacation home in Crawford Texas with a steadily growing number of protesters and the spin machine was in full action turning her into a loony, leftist, pawn of the devil, who didn’t have the good sense to thank our President for getting her son killed for the WMD/Freedom on the march/flypaper for terrorists cause. She didn’t believe him! Silly tart. Also there was the fact that George had met with her before and she liked him once, and once is good enough for George.
So the vacation went on as it should because it’s important for even a President to have his own life. George cleared brush and rode bikes with Lance Armstrong and read “My pet goat” again so he could give a book report on the 4th anniversary of his favorite day. Soldiers died, Iraq barreled toward becoming a theocracy in a civil war and all was good in the world.
Then there was this b*tch named Mother Nature, Also known as Katrina this time around. She decided to “form of a hurricane!” and saunter off towards our gulf coast as angry summer storms are want to do. It was apparent the one place in the US you definitely don’t want a hurricane, New Orleans, was going to be hit along with significant portions of Alabama and Mississippi. To his credit George called the ball and declared emergencies in the appropriate places which of course would deploy FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security in all their protective glory. What an opportunity for these organizations and this President to shine and in a peaceful capacity too not the nightmare terrorism scenario we’d been trained to fear. Our prayers were voiced for the people in Katrina’s path, the troops were poised and…..George went to John McCain’s birthday party. George was eating cake and strumming his new guitar, Dick was fundraising and Condi was shopping for shoes when Katrina slammed into her predicted targets and started her killing spree.
A mass evacuation was ordered for all of New Orleans but roughly 100,000 of its population wouldn’t, mostly couldn’t, get out. The Superdome became the shelter of last resort and it became a nightmare bastion of misery when the storm hit. The mass mobilization that was supposed to happen automatically didn’t. Private Citizens and State resources rescued most of who were able to be rescued after the storm. Reporters on the ground from networks that usually give the administration a pass were screaming “where is the government?”, “there’s no one in charge!”, “people are dying in front of us”. Food and water were slow and worse in reaching necessary distribution centers. Chaos and pestilence the likes of which this country has never seen in its borders ensued in the coming days. We all know the horrible story from here. It’s still unfolding. Tales of supplies and aid being held up or simply not deployed. The President himself not told of the scope of the disaster until 4 days later because apparently his aides don’t like to bring him bad news? A FEMA director who didn’t know there were thousands of evacuees in squalor at the Convention Center until he learned it from the media who had been reporting it for two days? The response will indisputably go down in history as a national disgrace. We’ve attended to international disasters thousands of miles away quicker than we did to one in our own back yard and there are not just a few people who are thinking it might be because the majority of the victims were poor brown colored people.
I’m not going to speculate on that. I won’t even lay all the blame at George Bush’s feet but it is his feet that should walk in the shameful shoes. Right now all the king’s men are falling on their swords. The Governor of Louisiana is blaming herself. Brown was shuffled away and then resigned. We now have an interim head of FEMA who actually has had experience with disasters so that’s a good step in my opinion. Chertof appears to have his head on the chopping block so another “picked for my friends, not my skills” idiot soon won’t plague us. And of course the thing that rose me from my chilly sleep in the first place is that George, What me worry?, Bush actually turned his head, looked at the ground in a press conference and said these words.
“Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government,” Bush said at a joint White House news conference with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani. “And to the extent that the federal government didn’t fully do its job right, I take responsibility. I want to know what went right and what went wrong,” said Bush.
This is it people. The veneer has finally shattered. The Teflon President has finally admitted fault. Many heads will probably be cleft from their necks in an effort to deflect blame but the buck must finally stop with Bush. Too many people have died. Too little was done and obviously too much of the rhetoric about how Bush is the one to keep us safe from terror or nature is Bush-shit. And it rolls down hill. Do the first honorable thing you’ve done in your time with us George and resign. Cut off the source of all this incompetence, yourself and your friends. You’ve taken more than you could ever hope from our country. Empowered and employed more of your friends than we thought you even had and we’ve had enough. We can’t afford you anymore and we can barely survive you.
We don't want your declaration of responsibility Mr. President. We know you're supposed to be responsible.We finally want a declaration of accountablity in the form of your resignation. Please take Dick and Condi with you as we deem them to be equally useless to the future of this country. I’m going back to bed. Dissident out.