It Crawled From Under A RockBy: Clyde
Published: September 15, 2005
The Republican Party has sunk to a depth of depravity that makes a double penetration porn flick look like a Disney Family Classic. Every time I think that there is no way I could get any angrier than I already am, along comes some ass clown who sends my blood pressure soaring to new heights.
From the fifth circle of hell, a new face has recently emerged to promote the holiness of George W. Bush and I only have a few questions that need answering. Who in the hell is Mark Williams and why in the fuck is he on my TV? Having never heard of this piece of pond scum prior to Cindy Sheehan, I wonder just exactly where this racist fuck comes from and why weren’t his parents taken to the town square and publicly flogged for bringing such a hate filled mongoloid into this world?
We are all well aware of the hatred that is spewed by the likes of the OxyContin cowboy Rush Limbaugh and Hitler Youth Uberfuhrer Sean Hannity, but this man takes hate speech to a whole new level. Williams's rhetoric is beyond comprehension and is better suited to the Nazi Nuremberg Rallies than on a cable television debate show.
On August 22nd this windbag actually attacked former FBI agent Colleen Rawley for visiting Camp Casey. The fact that this woman has done more in fighting the war on terrorism than this Michael Savage wannabe ever thought of, was completely lost on him and the right wing skank guest host Norah O'Donnell. This pustule upon the buttock of America actually had the nerve to say:
"I just got back from Iraq, talking with the troops, talking with the Iraqis and I see the damage that's done by pathetic creatures like the woman I'm talking to and Cindy Sheehan. When they get up there and they present this country as divided and still arguing issues that were decided, debated and voted on three years ago, that both demoralizes our troops and invigorates the insurgency." I do not know what alternate universe Williams lives in but if he were to look closely he would see that this country is divided like never before and the argument about the war has never stopped. I guess he figures that if we have troops deployed then there is no need to debate the justifications that led us into the quagmire in Iraq. But I would bet dollars to doughnuts that if it were a Democrat who had taken this nation into an illegal war, his tune would change faster than Ann Coulter's Adams apple after receiving her monthy estrogen injection.
During a recent appearance on CNN Williams saw fit to comment on the plight of the victims in New Orleans but did he fault the federal government for the lack of a timely response to a natural disaster? Fuck no, he decided it was much more important to make racist remarks about people's intelligence and the following statements lead me to believe this bastard keeps an extra sheet on his bed just in case of a wardrobe malfunction.
"they didn't have the necessary brains and common sense to get out of the way of a Cat 5 Hurricane and then when it hit them- stood on the side of the convention Center expiring while reporters were coming and going."
"The only role race plays in this is that the American black population has been the prototype for an entire race of people being, being turned into a group of dependents of the government--trapped there, I'm using that word very loosely are screaming we want help, we want help." I am sick and tired of these right wing hacks and I find Williams to be one of the most loathsome characters within the Republican war machine. His very existence proves that the theory of Intelligent Design is lacking in merit. He is the kind of Republican that only believes in the Constitution when it fits his needs and if it were to get in the way he would deride it as he does anyone or anything in which he disagrees. This man is not an American but a blight upon the nation and his oral flatulence is something I find totally reprehensible. The fact that there are ordinary Americans who not only buy into this cow flop but actually use it to justify their own hatred and bigotry is as un-American as anything that Osama bin Laden could ever do.
LINK: in full with my permission.