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Al-Zarqawi's dark forces riding high on a tide of blood

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ECH1969 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 05:45 PM
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Al-Zarqawi's dark forces riding high on a tide of blood
Edited on Thu Sep-15-05 05:55 PM by ECH1969
THREE months ago Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was said to be badly injured and close to death. But in the space of two days the world’s most active terrorist has demonstrated in typically bloody fashion that he is back at the head of Iraq’s most ruthless and powerful insurgent group.

With yet more suicide bombings in Baghdad yesterday, killing 29 people, there were fears that the city was about to suffer a fresh wave of terrorism intended to exacerbate sectarian conflict between Shia and Sunni Muslims and destroying the new constitution that was supposed to bring the various ethnic and religious communities together. President Talabani of Iraq, addressing the UN summit in New York, begged world leaders for help. “Today Iraq is facing one of the most brutal campaigns of terror at the hands of the forces of darkness,” he declared.

Mr al-Dulaimi called the insurgents “morally bankrupt” and insisted that their cause was on its “last legs”, but unfortunately for Iraq his assessment is probably more wishful thinking. Al-Zarqawi’s tactics, which include the mass murder of Shia civilians, beheading Western hostages and assassinating government officials, are certainly brutal. But there is a method to his madness.

Today it is the richest, best organised, best armed and most powerful insurgent force in Iraq, with thousands of volunteers, including some from around the Middle East and beyond, prepared to fight and die for their cause. His slick propaganda department can record a suicide attack, release it within an hour on the internet and relay it into the homes of Muslim sympathisers around the world.,,7374-1782653,00.html
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sniffa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 05:51 PM
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1. amazing he can do this with onLy one Leg too
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Catrina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 05:53 PM
Response to Original message
2. What bs
Zarqawi, the man no one has ever seen. No Iraqi has ever once said they have seen this foreigner in their country.

Does he have one or two legs now? He died last April, but was resurrected.

He had one leg, when Colin Powell wanted to use him as an excuse for the war.

He was then accused of being one of the men in the Nick Berg video, only to have to retract it, as bloggers determined that individual had two legs. Then it was decided that the original one leg story was wrong. They didn't, after need that story anymore.

Riverbend and other Iraqi bloggers laugh at the idea of Zarqawi, who as a foreigner could never rally the forces needed to launch the kind war that is going on in Iraq.

They simply refuse to admit that most of those fighting in Iraq are Iraqis, resisting the occupation of their country and the puppet government the occupiers has set up.

I know at least one Iraqi, still there, who laughs each time he hears the Zarqawi myth.

Btw, where is Osama Bin Laden? Do they really think we are all as dumb as they are?
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fedsron2us Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 06:45 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Here is the last reliable picture of Zarqawi
Edited on Thu Sep-15-05 06:46 PM by fedsron2us
taken when he was playing the lead role as the evil Titan in the British marionation series Stingray.

Back then he was threatening terraneans with his dreaded Terror Fish.

The tactics may have changed but you can still clearly see the strings.

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Catrina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 07:58 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. *lol*
But ..... the green guy has two legs? :rofl:
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