1//Asia Times Online, Hong Kong Sep 16, 2005
From the new World Media Watch just posted at
http://www.zianet.com/insightanalyticalTomorrow at Buzzflash.com
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/GI16Ak01.html IN SYRIA, REGIME CHANGE BY OTHER MEANS
By Ehsan Ahrari
The United States has not abandoned the option of regime change. This time, the objective is to oust the Bashar Assad regime of Syria, but by using "other" means.
This use of other means includes a combination of old tactics used to topple Saddam Hussein, and also uses a number of new tactics aimed at ensuring that the European Union - or its major members, the ones that were derided in the past by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as part of "old Europe" - does not oppose it, and that even the United Nations Security Council goes along with it. At least in principle, that is a deft approach.
Why has Syria become the target of America's fury? There are at least two reasons. First, as an immediate neighbor of Iraq, Syria has been increasingly accused by the US of aiding and abetting the Iraqi insurgents. This is not a new reason. However, as the security situation worsens in Iraq, the Bush administration intensifies its rhetoric of the condemnation of Syria.