continues at: vacuum stymied aid offers
Doctor: Officials gave hospital staffers mops as people died
Friday, September 16, 2005 Posted: 1719 GMT (0119 HKT)
A doctor reported that sick people languished in the New Orleans airport while he mopped floors.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
New Orleans (Louisiana)
Department of Homeland Security
Manage Alerts | What Is This? (CNN) -- As violence, death and misery gripped New Orleans and the surrounding parishes in the days after Hurricane Katrina, a leadership vacuum, bureaucratic red tape and a defensive culture paralyzed volunteers' attempts to help.
Doctors eager to help sick and injured evacuees were handed mops by federal officials who expressed concern about legal liability. Even as violence and looting slowed rescues, police from other states were turned back while officials squabbled over who should take charge of restoring the peace.