Ken Schram Commentary: Quite The Week For E-Mail
September 16, 2005
By Ken Schram
SEATTLE - It's been quite a week for email.
Aside from a sizeable number of people telling me I'm un-American for criticizing President Bush, there's a whole other contingent of folks who didn't take kindly to the prayer I wrote in honor of the president calling for a national day of prayer (you can read that one here )
On the plus side, seems a lot of people are praying for me: Praying for me to shut-up, praying for me to get fired, praying for me to leave town.
Some are even praying that I drop dead.
Then there's James Woods, who writes: "I...won't be using the power of prayer to ask God to pull your head out of your (butt)...instead I'll ask him to guide you."
From Alan Siebenthall: "You have it wrong (Ken). Bush is a burning light. You, on the other hand, will probably burn in hell."