http://pinkofeministhellcat.typepad.com/pinko_feminist_hellcat/2005/09/dear_democrats.htmlSeptember 16, 2005
Dear Democrats
I know you're agonizing over whether you should confirm John Roberts or not.
Here's a ticket to the clue train: your base finds him repulsive, and with good reason.
Let's go over why, shall we?
First of all, no papers. You haven't been able to look at his whole history, because the White House refused to release his papers. Um, 'kay, but would your hire someone to work in your office who didn't provide you with any information about their work history? That alone would earn a no vote from me, but I'm a stickler for information.
Second, he hasn't been straight about his membership in the Federalist Society. He insisted he wasn't a member, and when documents revealed that he sat on a committee in the Society, he said he didn't recall being a member or doing that. Really? The man is either a liar or he's got cognitive issues. Either way, he's not equipped to sit on the highest court in the land.
Second, Robert's civil rights record is, shall we say, lackluster. Or we could say that it's godawful. He thinks that it's too easy to prove violations of the Voting Right Act. He thinks equal opportunity is hogwash (and that the Justice Department should be above settled law). He thinks that job discrimination is just dandy. And fair housing? Bah. Take your time, no one really needs that program to move along.
Third, Roberts isn't that jazzed about the separation of church and state. He'd allow government representatives to endorse a religion, he wouldn't be bothered by school prayer or religious displays in public buildings, and he'd be okay with government-funded religious discrimination.