I know a lot of conservatives were upset by President Bush’s speech the other night. There was a great deal of talk about how he seemed to be proposing an enormous Federal cash outlay of Rooseveltian proportions to repair the damage of Katrina. If he were to actually fulfill the promises he made, it would cost maybe $200 billion.
Well, folks, don’t worry. Mr. Bush doesn’t mean it the way it sounds. That money isn’t going to be wasted on useless social engineering projects, and it will be flowing to the wealthy, not coming from them. Like most Federal funds, this money too will be extracted from the useless eaters who comprise the middle and lower classes (who would otherwise waste it satisfying their tiresome little proletarian needs and desires), and will find its way directly into the coffers of the ownership class.
Thus the President seizes the opportunity to turn a catastrophe into a vehicle for transferring Federal dollars upwards into the hands of those deserving guardians of wealth who sit at the top of the financial pyramid. Halliburton already has its no-bid cleanup contracts, and even the contract for mortuary services has already been let to a Texas funeral home chain whose owners have been proving their merit with large contributions to Mr. Bush since his first run for Governor. Further contracts will be forthcoming for Republican loyalists.
If you are rich, Republican, and a $100,000 Bush Pioneer, you too will have a place at the table. As an added little benefit, our President has made sure you can keep as much as possible of your coming windfall by suspending any living-wage requirements for Federal contracts. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. What’s not to love about a system like that?
And by the way...You ask why I write letters to the editor.
The reason is simple. I'm not actually trying to change the world. I'm just building a portfolio for my legal defense when the new Nurenburg trials begin. The trials should be starting about 6 months after the world gets together & brings down our imperialist Neocon government, and I want evidence that I wasn't complicit with the fascists.