What the editors of
The Nation are advocating here is all well and good:
fighting the President's decision to waive prevailing-wage laws on the Gulf Coast
reject the President's attempts to ease environmental regulations in a region already ecologically devastated
back a proposal by Senator Russ Feingold and Representative John Conyers to delay the implementation of bankruptcy "reforms" that will make it tougher for Gulf Coast residents to get back on their feet
launch a frontal assault on the tax policies of an Administration that has starved the government's capacity to provide basic protections and services
lay out a full-scale reconstruction plan of their own--a "people's reconstruction" that advances a democratically accountable, economically viable, socially just and environmentally sustainable plan for regional rebuildingIn my opinion, before we undertake a "people's reconstruction"
we need to focus on the MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE: ensuring that the next hurricane doesn't wipe out the $200 billion likely to be spent rebuilding a city in a low-rimmed bathtub. I haven't been spending a lot of time watching CNN and MSNBC lately, but I read the paper every day and neither the Democrats nor the national dialogue seem to be focusing on what is necessary to make New Orleans a viable site in a future with rising sea levels and more powerful hurricanes spawned by global warming.
The Nation is talking about some issues related to Katrina that the Democrats can use to their advantage -- and these are legitimate issues that effect people's lives -- but if the Democratic Party really wants to reclaim leadership of this country, then they're going to have to do what truly responsible leaders do:
make the tough decisions and demand the necessary course of action.
The editorial also suggests the Dems should also
"demand accountability. Not just accountability for the occupation of Iraq and the campaign of calculated deceit that led us to war but for reckless tax cuts, environmental degradation and other domestic disasters this President has ushered in."Again, this is all well and good, but not nearly enough and
FAR TOO TIMID. Demanding accountability seems like little more than complaining and partisan sniping, unless delivered with the force of truth and undeniable facts.
http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=19648">Molly Ivins' column
Government by temper tantrun should give the Dems a clue:
You could, for example, put any number of people at the Department of Labor who are wholly unsympathetic to the labor movement -- Bush has installed shoals of them already. But there is a certain arch, flippant malice to making Edwin Foulke assistant secretary in charge of the health and safety of workers.
Republican appointees who oppose the agencies to which they are assigned are a dime a dozen, but Foulke is a partner from the most notorious union-busting law firm in the country. What he does for a living is destroy the only organizations that care about workers' health and safety.
Here's another PP pick: put a timber industry lobbyist in as head of the Forest Service. How about a mining industry lobbyist who believes public lands are unconstitutional in charge of the public lands? Nice shot. A utility lobbyist who represented the worst air polluters in the country as head of the clean air division at the EPA? A laff riot. As head of the Superfund, a woman whose last job was teaching corporate polluters how to evade Superfund regulations? Cute, cute, cute. A Monsanto lobbyist as No. 2 at the EPA. A lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute at the Council on Environmental Quality. And so on. And so forth.
Does the public know that the foxes have been put in charge of the chicken coup? These appointments border on criminal conflict of interest,
and NOW is the perfect time to make a major case of it!. The incompetence and disaster of putting
"You're doing a great job" Brownie in charge of FEMA is still fresh in the public's mind.
The Democrats need to relentlessly expose the political hacks installed throughout our government, and keep pounding these facts into the national consciousness.
The Democrats
MUST step forward, expose the Bush administration for what it undeniably is, and clearly state what needs to be done to get this country back on the right track.
It's put up or shut up time. Can the Democrat Party provide the true leadership so desperately needed?