...and other bullshit spin from the R/W.
I keep hearing from the Puke side of things and from the Greens, Reds, Libertarians, blah blah blah the same shit the R/W has been spinning for years: The Democrats don't have a plan.
The R/W says simply: The Demos don't have a plan.
The Far Left wing says (despairingly), the pukes are terrible, but the Democrats don't have a plan.
The Libertarians, Greens, etc. say, The pukes are terrible, but the Democrats don't have a plan.
It is bullshit. The Democrats have a plan. They have a platform. It includes, but is not limited to the following:
On economics: Stop the growth of poverty by providing education and health care to the poor so that they can work their way into the middle and upper classes.
On Abortion: Provide education, birth control and opportunity to people so they will make the choices that don't lead to unwanted pregnancies; provide/encourage the adoption option and financial assistance to those who become (unwantedly) pregnant so that their children can make better choices. (Deflate the mythology that says the Republican Party is Pro-Life because they want to criminalize abortion and/or flip Roe v. Wade. The Republican Party does not want to flip Roe v. Wade, as evidenced by the appointment of a Justice (Roberts) that will not flip Roe.)
On the deficit: Increase revenues by stopping tax cuts that favor the uber-rich and the gigantic corporations. Cut unnecessary spending. Behave in a fiscally responsible way and stop lining up at the pork trough in Washington. Halt the cronyism of no-bid contracts to favored Republican contractors. Cut defense spending that is tied to the Iraq war by ending it.
On the war: Withdraw our troops from Iraq as soon as possible to stop destabilizing the country and stop wasting money.
On energy: Encourage the development of clean alternatives to Oil/Coal. Encourage conservation of energy and the development of hybrid vehicles, hydrogen cell vehicles and the like.
On the environment: Re-invigorate enforcement of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water act.
These are just examples of the plan Democrats have. There are many other items in the Democratic Platform that make sense for America. Stop saying we don't have a plan, because it is bullshit. It is the same bullshit that says we don't have leaders, or that we're wimps, blah blah blah, whine whine whine.
All of the items in the platform may not appeal to you. Some of them may be repellent, even, to you. Some of the things I have mentioned above are disputed, even by our leading Democrats. I recognize this. But to say we "just don't have a plan" is "just bullshit".