So it's not failure that I want the American people to repudiate. Not even, ultimately, this particular set of players. Rather, what I wish for the American people to repudiate are those dark aspects of the American spirit that these rulers have embodied and have so skillfully exploited in their drive to power.
I want the American people to reject the kind of patriotism that makes a virtue out of lawless ambition-so long as it is pursued in the name of the nation; the patriotism that assumes that God is on our side rather than worrying whether we are on God's.
I want the American people to repudiate the pervasion of our political process by the spirit of insatiable greed-a spirit our economy is so good at harnessing for economic dynamism but that, in politics, fosters so much corruption and injustice.
I want the American people to reject that religious impulse that, lacking respect for mystery, holds its beliefs with such certainty its counts it as righteous to jam them down other people's throats.
I want the American people to reject utterly that posture of hypocrisy that is so willing to judge others but that does not hold itself accountable by the same standards.
I want the American people to repudiate that divisive spirit that looks at all who are not with us as being against us, that regards those who are not like-minded as enemies to be vanquished rather than as fellow humans with whom to seek common ground.