As most Republicans know, the reason we need to stay in Iraq is to
prevent the spread of WMDs defend the oil from the terrorists who are trying to squash Democracy in the Middle East. Osama Bin Ladin is a sneaky mastermind who is rallying his minions as we speak; We must defeat him in Iraq before he has an opportunity to attack America again!
To support this noble cause, my family has sacrificed much: We spent most of our tax-cut on American flags, the yellow ribbon-magnet I put on my SUV scratched the paint, and the higher price of gasoline has forced me to cut my trips to Wal-Mart from six times a week, to four.
It's been tough for all of us.
As difficult as it has been for me, I'm not so self-centered that I can't appreciate the brave men and women in the military who defend my freedoms from the great unwashed hordes of brown-colored terrorists. Whenever I think of what our American soldiers have to go through to prevent terrorism by killing and alienating Muslims, I get misty-eyed. Our boys have to deal with the unbearable Iraqi heat, deadly enemy snipers and crazed homicide bombers. It makes me thankful that my own 20 year-old son is safely away at college and doesn't have to be anywhere near the Middle East right now.
I have been thinking long and hard on what would be the best way to support our troops in this time of unending warfare. In previous conflicts, the citizenry was called upon to make personal sacrifices for the war-effort. Raw materials such as rubber and oil were rationed, neighborhoods grew "Victory Gardens" and people invested in War Bonds.
While such measures today would show the troops that we do indeed feel the Iraqi War is worth fighting, and dieing, for; I have a better idea: The best way to "Support the Troops" is to keep them in Iraq so they can get killed.
Yes, by getting killed in Iraq, our brave men-in-uniform will enjoy a flag-draped coffin, a military funeral, and a name lovingly etched on a wall somewhere so their friends and loved ones can gaze upon it. By sending more troops to die, we honor those who have already fallen.
The logic of supporting our troops by killing them is lost on the Liberal mind. They don't understand that by demanding that US soldiers return home safely, and in one piece, they are denying the highest honor we can bestow: A tri-folded flag, to be handed post-humanously to a grieving relative.
As an added bonus of getting killed in Iraq, they will not have to deal with the shattered health-care system of this country, global climate change or Peak Oil. Furthermore, a dead soldier is far cheaper to deal with then therapy for PTSD or artificial limbs. So everyone wins in the end!
So whenever you see a "Support Our Troops" placard held by a conservative war-supporter, remember what that sign really means: Republicans "Support the Troops" by getting more of them killed.
May God bless our president. Support Our Troops!!!