DeLay Mess Adds to GOP Troubles
By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer
WASHINGTON - Drip, drip, drip. The criminal conspiracy indictment against Tom DeLay adds to the political water torture of Republicans, the party in power that stands to lose if the public's mood continues to sour. Voters are turning against the Iraq war, fretting about the economy and losing faith in their political leaders.
Less than a year ago, President Bush won re-election and the GOP picked up seats in the House and the Senate, raising hopes in conservative circles that Republicans could control Congress and the White House for a generation or more. Suddenly, they're worried about clinging to power beyond the 2006 and 2008 elections.
"We can still stabilize the situation and make it right, but there's no question that this is a rough patch," said Republican consultant Joe Gaylord, an adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
A confluence of events — the spate of GOP scandals, the rising death toll in Iraq, the lethally slow response to Hurricane Katrina and a steep decline in consumer confidence with the economy — has shifted the political landscape. Bush, who rose to power in 2000 on a pledge to restore integrity to the Oval Office, now presides over a party rocked by controversy.
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