The current President of the United States finds himself in God’s company more often than any other modern American President.
We’ve been hearing about President George W. Bush's close encounters with God for years now. We have all heard about how God talks to the President, giving him instructions on how to conduct foreign policy (particularly, which countries to invade). Quite evidently, he did a good job following orders, because he got re-elected to a second term.
The strangest aspect of George’s communion with God remains the fact that he is always told to bring ‘freedom’ to those of God’s people who are in close proximity to oil. God does not tell him to strike the North Koreans, for example, whose rulers are not only Godless, but have repeatedly declared their intention to build WMDs and whose malnourished people are in most urgent need of freedom.
No oil? President Bush’s God is not interested. Very ungodly, one must say. Unless, in the Presidential dictionary, God is actually a code name for Halliburton, the Carlyle group, Enron and Bechtel. Then all the mysterious omissions and strange consequences of these Presidential pow-wows with God become instantly clear.