"All the expenditures for the Iraq war are not in the budget"
This is a nice little package of facts and cogent observations on said facts. The girl child told me about this writer. Apparently he does this on a regular basis, pointing out the obvious.
http://www.collegian.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/09/28/433a2b7b72198"In fact, the national debt is so outrageous that so far this fiscal year the US government has spent $336 billion on paying off the interest of the national debt. In contrast, the government has spent only $61 billion on education, $15 billion on NASA, and $56 billion on the Department of Transportation. Over ten percent of our federal budget is spent paying interest off of the federal budget, which is currently the highest deficit of all time (as well as the highest national debt of all time). Ridiculous.
So how did we get ourselves into this unfortunate circumstance? The easy answer, and the ignorant one, is to suggest the war in Iraq is a big reason for our deficit. However, you might be interested to find out that all of the expenditures for Iraq are not included in the federal budget. So why is the deficit so large? Good question.
Wouldn't a "conservative" President want to be, I don't know, conservative with money? After all, a "conservative" President would not dare give a tax cut at a time of war, would he? Well, yes, he would. In fact, when President Bush gave his tax cut during the Iraq war, he was the first President in the history of our country to give a tax cut at a time of war. I don't think this sounds like being conservative with your money, but apparently President Bush and his administration have a different idea of what exactly conservative means. Big surprise.
Ironically, many people bash liberals for spending money haphazardly. And when liberals raise taxes to pay for their programs, there is even more of an uproar, because God forbid we actually pay for the programs we intend to carry out. Conservatives, on the other hand, spend money even more carelessly than liberals, but instead of paying for their own programs through taxes, they borrow money from future generations so that they never have to deal with paying for their own initiatives. Essentially, conservatives view our deficit and national debt as a never-ending and endlessly increasing credit card limit which future generations will have the burden of paying off."