A Few Good Men
My own private Fallujah at the Swallow’s Inn
<snip> The boys at the Swallow’s were sweet and stupid and brimming with fight. Did you know that—besides those “few bad apples”—“the troops” aren’t saints? I bet you didn’t! Well, you might have known it now, since we got to convict Lynndie England this week. I’m not one to apologize for England: “just following orders” went out with Nuremberg, and “my boyfriend made me do it” went outwith Joel Steinberg’s common-law cutie. But it’s funny that while all the corporals-and-under have gone to a good stint in their own private Idaho, Alberto Gonzalez, who approved torture policy for the White House, was promoted. And speaking of our next associate justice (if we don’t get lucky and get Janice Rogers Browned): now that, as attorney general, he’s decided the War on Terror is over and porn is again one of Justice’s top priorities, I do wish he’d take a peep at Nowthatsfuckedup.com. That is fucked up! Dot-com!
Back at the Swallow’s, one wee, cute sergeant went liquor-blind and started bum-rushing kids from other units like a drunken Napoleon. All the boys had been to Fallujah and a good number of them were on their way back; one talked for a long time about his friends who got killed, while others recounted the jolly time they’d had blowing up buildings and all the I-raqis who’d remained therein, and those who were lucky enough to light my cigarettes and buy me a beer got an earful on their stupid fucking war.
I’m pretty sure they liked it.
It’s a funny thing how the Right works in this country. Sixty-five percent of the country has soured on the war, and we all manage to be un-American. At least 150,000 people descended on Washington, D.C., Saturday according to news accounts and D.C.’s chief of police. (Protest organizers estimated the crowd at between 250,000 and a million, covering, as it did, 22 blocks.) There were concurrent marches in LA, Seattle, San Francisco, New York, London and Italy, among others. And yet the entire right half of the blogosphere is sticking its fingers in its ears and insisting there were 2,000 people there (except for Rush, who literally maintains there were just 30 protesters). Why do they say 2,000? Because they’re stupid for one, and liars for another—they found one AP report that said, “More than 2,000 people gathered on the Ellipse hours before the showcase demonstration passed the White House<.>” <snip>