The people who ordered up this war are the ones who ought to finance its aftermath. Yet when the Senate had a chance to vote on Oct. 2 for an amendment that would pay the postwar costs by temporarily reducing the tax cut for the wealthiest slice of Americans -- the less than 1 percent who make more than $400,000 a year -- it was rejected, 57 to 42. Only one Republican, Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, stepped up to the challenge; seven Democrats joined all the other Republicans in saying no.
This was an amendment sponsored by Biden. Somehow I missed this on Oct. 2. I looked up the roll call and the Dems who voted against this were Breaux, Lincoln, Baucus, Bayh, Miller, Nelson, and Prior.
More from the article:
When Josh Bolten, Bush's budget director, was asked at a Christian Science Monitor-sponsored breakfast last week about Biden's effort, he replied that the administration rejected the notion that "the way to meet our obligations in Iraq is to undermine our own economy." Undermine our economy by asking the most affluent citizens to accept a $600 billion tax cut over the next 10 years, rather than $689 billion? Give me a break.
DUers who are represented by these Democratic senators: what's up with them? How can they possibly defend this?